If you have crooked teeth and a misaligned bite, our orthodontist can help you achieve a perfectly aligned smile. Of all orthodontic treatments, braces have been trusted as a reliable way to help patients get results.

What Are Braces?

Braces consist of a system of metal brackets, bands and wires. Those brackets are attached to the front of the teeth and are held together with the wires and bands. As our orthodontist adjusts the wire, we can guide your teeth into their proper alignment.

Who Needs Braces?

If you aren’t happy with the placement of your teeth, Dr. Paul Sokolowski may recommend that you get an orthodontic treatment like braces. Braces can correct the following smile concerns:

  • Gapped teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Bite problems (underbite, overbite, etc.)

I Just Got Braces, Now What?

Adjusting to life with braces can initially be a challenge. It is important to properly care for your teeth and braces while undergoing treatment, so you can maintain a healthy smile and stay on track with your smile progress.

While wearing braces, you need to be mindful of avoiding certain foods that can damage your braces. Those foods include:

  • Chewy foods (like bagels and bread)
  • Crunchy food (like popcorn, ice and chips)
  • Sticky foods (like caramel and gum)
  • Hard foods (like nuts and hard candy)
  • Food that you have to bite into (like uncut apples, raw carrots and corn on the cob)

If you have any questions, please reach out to our office. You also can schedule a consultation with Daghlian Pediatric Dentistry & Sokolowski Orthodontics for braces in Huntington Beach, California, at 714-848-0234.